Zahajovací akce Evropského měsíce kybernetické bezpečnosti

Evropská komise ve spolupráci s Evropskou agenturou pro bezpečnost sítí a informací pořádá 11. října 2013 v Bruselu zahajovací konferenci k Evropskému měsíci kybernetické bezpečnosti s názvem „Education: Network & Information Security Awareness (NIS Awareness)“.


Datum konání: 11.10.2013

Místo konání: Brusel, Belgie


Více informací naleznete ZDE

Závěrečná konference projektu Social – IST

Dne 3. října 2013 se v Bruselu uskuteční konference s názvem ‘Tackling societal challenges with Social Collective Intelligence and ICT!’, která je poslední ze série akcí pořádané projektem Social – IST ze 7. rámcového programu. Cílem konference je prezentovat hlavní výsledky projektu a podnítit diskuzi o tom, jako nám mohou nové formy ICT pomoct vybudovat chytřejší společnost.


Datum konání: 3.10.2013

Místo konání: Brusel, Belgie


Více informací naleznete ZDE

VRAP 2013

V portugalské Leirii se uskuteční již šestá konference s názvem „The International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping“ (Mezinárodní konference o pokročilém výzkumu ve virtuálním a rychlém prototypování – VRAP 2013), která představuje platformu pro vědeckou výměnu poznatků o multidisciplinárních aspektech virtuálních a fyzických prototypů. Účast na akci je zpoplatněna.

Datum konání: 1.10.2013 – 5.10.2013

Místo konání: Leirii, Portugalsko


Více informací naleznete ZDE


Dear ETPIS members,

In this newsletter you will find information related to safety issues and on the up-coming events and activities for the next months:

Information from ETPIS:

  • CZ-TPIS & ETPIS – Future Safety and Security Research in the EU 
  • (on October 24-25, 2013, in Prague)
  • Six EPSC reports made available for public on request, more to follow

New consultations:

  • Public consultation relating to the reach annexes on nanomaterials

Calls for tenders:

  • SIINN Second Call for Proposals 2013
  • First SAF€RA joint call for proposal launched by the ERANET on industrial safety, on the theme „Human and organizational factors including the value of industrial safety“

Up-Coming Events:

  • NanoValid Training Workshop on Advanced Characterization of Nanomaterials
  • 3rd university conference „Safe and healthy university“
  • StandarDays
  • Conference: Nuclear Long Term Operations & Ageing Management Europe 
  • CPEXPO 2013 International Conference and Exhibition
  • European Conference HRO
  • EU Brokerage Event on KET (Key Enabling Technologies) in Horizon 2020
  • European Hydrogen Energy Conference
  • 6th International Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Security
  • 6th International Conference on safety & Environment in Process & Power Industry

If you have any idea of event which could be relevant for ETPIS members, please inform us ( by using the template available here.


Best regards

Your ETPIS Secretariat


Information from ETPIS

CZ-TPIS & ETPIS – Future Safety and Security Research in the EU

October 24-25, 2013, in Prague (Czech Republic)

The conference called FUTURE SAFETY AND SECURITY RESEARCH IN EUROPE is focused on the direction of the safety and security research in Europe and organised by the Czech Technology Platform on Industrial Safety in close cooperation with the European Technology Platform on Industrial Safety will take place in Prague (Czech Republic), on October 24-25, 2013.

The aim of the conference is to present and discuss trends, strategies and objectives concerning preparation of HORIZON 2020 in the field of safety and security. The conference is financed from the Safety AGENT project, funded by the European Social Fund through the Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness and the state budget.

Deadline to register: October 10th (but the number of participants is limited due to logistics)

Conference website:


Six EPSC reports made available for public on request, more to follow

Over the past months, EPSC has been sorting through the archive of process safety reports, selecting ones of value for public release. EPSC reports reflect the efforts of working groups, who discuss process safety topics and share experience between members. Currently six reports are available to the public, dealing with a wide range of topics from high level organisational safety barriers such as skills and competence management or risk management systems, through to specifics of process safety work such as systems for protecting pressurised flammable gas vessels. Other reports made available cover subjects such as process safety in shared facilities, and ensuring against misidentification of chemicals.  There has been considerable interest in the project from across the globe, with requests coming in from process industry professionals, students, educators, researchers, and others. The most requested report has been ‚How to Set up a Process Safety Competence Management System‘, a guidance report on the management of skills, experience and training to ensure that the knowledge needed for safe operation of a facility is always present. Second most popular has been ‚Risk Management Practice in the Process Industries‘, an overview of the key principles of risk management, and comparison of risk-based and rule-based methods.



New consultations

Public consultation relating to the REACH Annexes on Nanomaterials

Period of consultation: From 21.06.2013 to 13.09.2013

Objective of the consultation:

The objective of the policy initiative is to ensure further clarity on how nanomaterials are addressed and safety demonstrated in registration dossiers.  REACH must ensure a high level of health, safety and environmental protection. At the same time it should permit access to innovative products and promote innovation and competitiveness. The regulatory environment affects time to market, marginal cost structure and allocation of resources, especially for SMEs. It also creates new business opportunities and contributes to consumer and investor confidence in the technology.

Specifically, the policy initiative shall provide clearer REACH requirements for nanomaterials to ensure that industry demonstrates safe use in the registration dossiers in accordance with the aims of REACH Article 1(1) „to ensure a high level of protection of human health and the environment, including the promotion of alternative methods for assessment of hazards of substance, as well as the free circulation of substances on the internal market while enhancing competitiveness and innovation“.

The Commission proposal of possible amendment of the REACH Annexes is foreseen to be made in 2013, and will be accompanied by an Impact Assessment. The objective of this consultation is to provide the Commission with the best possible evidence base for its work with the above tasks.

Further information at the following link:


Calls for tenders

SIINN Second Call for Proposals 2013

Deadline: October 31, 2013


A 4.52 M€ joint call is open for the submission of innovative transnational research proposals focused on Manufactured NanoMaterials (MNMs) in the five topics described below:

  • Over-arching aspects of Nanosafety research
  • Exposure assessment
  • Toxicity mechanisms
  • Environmental impacts of MNMs
  • Effects of MNMs on human health

Please read carefully the following Call documents:

Call Text (pdf)

Guidelines for Applicants (pdf)

Check List for Applicants (pdf)

Full Proposal template (doc)

 Please note that not all the funding organisations participating in the call will fund each of the five call topics. For more information please consult the Call Text.


First SAF€RA joint call on the theme „Human and organizational factors including the value of industrial safety“

Deadline: End of November (see the call to be published on September 24, 2013)


The first SAF€RA joint call for proposals will be launched by September 24, 2013.

The call topics under theme “Human and organizational factors including the value of industrial safety “ are:

  • Resilience: improving management of safety
  • Value of safety and safety values

Proposals must be submitted by the end of November 2013.

Proposals can be submitted, and funding applied, by:

  • a consortium consisting of minimum 2 partners from 2 different countries (eligibility criteria of each funding organization will be provided here later), or
  • a single partner who is willing to form such a consortium with another partner(s) proposed to them by the call steering committee during the proposal evaluation process

Furthermore, additional partners, not eligible for SAF€RA funding, can participate in the projects on the basis of self-financing.

More information on the call topics, the exact timeline and guide for applicants will be available in September 2013.



Up-Coming Events

NanoValid Training Workshop on Advanced Characterization of Nanomaterials

September 16-20, 2013, in Zaragoza (Spain)

In the framework of the EU Project NanoValid (FP7), the University of Zaragoza and the Institute of Nanoscience of Aragon are organizing a Training Workshop in Advanced Characterization of Nanomaterials, on September 16-20, 2013.
The workshop presents an introduction to Advanced Characterization Techniques of Nanomaterials, illustrating the necessary steps for the selection and application of different techniques for analyzing nano structured materials of diverse nature. Practical lectures with real devices are envisaged, including advanced microscopy methods and spectroscopic techniques as well as other related procedures in Nanotechnology. The goal of the course is to give an introduction to the analysis methods currently in use in Materials Science, Engineering and Nanotechnology.

The workshop is dedicated to participants interested in nanotechnology and materials science:

  • Pre-doctoral and post-doctoral researchers dealing with materials in the nanoscale.
  • Technicians interested in general technical background which require a specific training in instrumental analysis.
  • Students of master courses in materials sciences, chemical engineering or similar courses

Open poster and oral sessions are also foreseen.
More information and registration in the following links:


3rd university conference „Safe and healthy university“

September 16, 2013, in Dresden (Germany)

The 3rd university conference „safe and healthy university“ will take place on september 16-18, 2013, under the title „new technologies in research and teaching: promoters of a new prevention culture?“ at the dguv akademie dresden.

This event aims at providing to the participants with a forum in which they can discuss these and other questions, learn new things and enable others to share their own practical experiences.

The conference is aimed at all those active in universities and research institutes: decision makers in the fields of research, teaching and administration, health and safety officers and occupational physicians, experts in health promotion, staff and works councils, students and prevention experts of statutory accident insurance institutions.

The 3rd university conference is a common event of the institute for work and health (iag) of the dguv, the safety and health unit (sige) of the dguv, the subject group universities, research institutes of the specialist field educational establishments of the dguv and the european network education and training in occupational safety and health (enetosh).

All plenary contributions will be simultaneously translated into english/german.

Program, registration link and other information can be found here.

Closing date for registration is 1 august 2013.



September 17-18, 2013, in Brussels (Belgium)

StandarDays gives a clear and structured overview of the European Standardization System, of the CEN and CENELEC products and processes, as well as the benefits of involvement to potential stakeholders.

StandarDays is a two-day information session consisting of an introductory plenary meeting, which explains the different aspects and tasks of CEN and CENELEC (day 1) and interactive, in-depth workshops (day 2). This structure gives participants the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the overall European Standardization System (day 1) and then take advantage of the CEN and CENELEC expertise to obtain further clarification and explanations (day 2).

StandarDays are aimed at all actors interested in the European standardization system: industry, consumers, administrations and government, European institutions, research centres, national standards institutes, academia etc.

Participation is free of charge. Since there is a limited number of places, registrations will be accepted on a first come, first served basis and will close when the maximum number is reached.

Read the StandarDays Programme (pdf format)

Download the Registration Form (word format)


Conference: Nuclear Long Term Operations & Ageing Management Europe 

September 24-25, 2013, in Brussels (Belgium)

Nuclear Energy Insider“ organizes a conference on „Nuclear Long Term Operations & Ageing Management Europe: Ensure safe long term operation and improved performance by executing definitive ageing management strategies“ that will take place on September 24-25, 2013, in Brussels.

As the majority of European NPPs approach the end of their original design life and costs for new reactors rise dramatically, investment in the long term operation (LTO) of existing fleets is more essential than ever. With life after 40 costing over €30bn for the French fleet alone (WNA), it is critical to strengthen the European supply chain and share knowledge, best practice and innovation.

Review lessons learnt from recent LTO and PLEX programmes to achieve a swift and cost efficient delivery on your projects

Evaluate post-Fukushima costs for operators to understand how this has increased the size of the LTO market

Discover the latest innovations in addressing physical ageing and obsolescence to improve plant performance and ensure operation past original design life

Hear updates from a panel of key European regulatory bodies to understand their expectations for life after 40

Profit from expert knowledge on I&C analogue to digital upgrades, fatigue analysis and concrete degradation, enabling you to construct a comprehensive ageing management programme

 Further information (agenda, registration…) is available at the following link: .


CPEXPO 2013 International Conference and Exhibition

October 29, 2013, in Genoa (Italy)

CPEXPO 2013 will be hosted in the prestigious Genoa Fair, Hall B, designed by Atelier Jean Nouvel. CPEXPO 2013 will feature high-value plenary conferences, thematic workshops, live and integrated demonstration and research areas, and an advanced technology exhibition. The primary objective for CPEXPO is to create the most compelling conference program possible.

Important dates:

June 20, 2013: Submission of Papers, Workshops and Demo for evaluation

July 15, 2013: Notification of acceptance/not-acceptance

Submission of papers/abstracts, workshops, demos:

Prospective authors are invited to submit their proposals by downloading relevant PDFs, filling them in and sending them according to the rules in the forms themselves:

Submissions must be sent by June 20th, 2013 and must be in either MS doc or pdf formats. All reasonable typesetting formats are acceptable (later, the authors of accepted papers will be asked to follow a particular typesetting format to prepare their final papers for publication.)

CPEXPO International Scientific Committee will evaluate each received proposal according to the CPEXPO Terms of Reference. Papers submitted and accepted in response to this announcement will be published in the Final Edition of the proceedings which will go to press soon after the conference.


Inquiries should be sent to:

We inform you that ETPIS representatives will attend this event.


European Conference HRO

November 5, 2013, Aix En Provence(France)

In November, a HRO event connecting researchers and practitioners of High Reliability Organizations with the aim to exchange ideas and solutions across enterprises and industries will be organized in France.

High Reliability Organizations (HROs) are a subset of organizations that exhibit continuous, nearly error-free operations, even in multifaceted, turbulent, and dangerous task environments. The Conference’s purpose is to disseminate the most recent findings in HRO theory, find cross-pollinations with related disciplines and share practical experiences, in order to provide new avenues for research and new long-term solutions for practice.


Highly interactive presentations and discussions will address key issues of high reliability organizing, such as learning from near misses, making sense of early warnings, real-time response, humans as the last barrier, and HRO based change. Discussions will be consolidated from the following perspectives:

  • Theory: The aim is to present the latest theoretical developments in HRO theory and to explore the potential cross-pollinations between HRO and related disciplines such as resilience engineering, communication, ergonomics, cognitive psychology, neurosciences and philosophy.
  • High reliability in critical industries: Practitioners will be encouraged to consider HRO ideas to describe their operations in terms that help diagnose problems or improve performance. A special focus is placed on the petro-chemical, aviation, nuclear and healthcare industries. Participants from other sectors are also welcome, as they will benefit from cross-industry learning opportunities.
  • Societal resilience: The common assumption to all proposed panels is that HRO ideas can contribute to anticipate, avoid or mitigate disruptions to our societies. Specifically, HRO precepts will be mobilized in the perspective of new emerging risks, risk management methodologies and enhanced societal response.


Email: /


EU Brokerage Event on KET (Key Enabling Technologies) in Horizon 2020

November 29, 2013, Strasbourg (France)

The German and French National Contact Points (NCP) and Enterprise Europe Network Alsace with the Europe Alsace Network organize a brokerage event with the objectives to present the future framework program for research and innovation „Horizon 2020 and the first calls for proposals to be published by the end of 2013, for submission in early 2014, and to give the opportunity to build project consortia.

Participants will have the opportunity to meet National Contact Point, others companies and laboratories to exchange during pre-arranged appointments that shall pave the way for future co-operations and European projects.


This Networking event will target a wide spectrum of companies, universities and researchers from whole Europe interested in sharing new project ideas and finding collaboration within the upcoming calls in Horizon 2020.

Main topics

  • Nanotechnologies
  • Advanced Materials
  • Advanced Manufacturing and processing
  • Efficient Energy in Building (PPP)
  • Factories of the Future (PPP)
  • Sustainable process industries (PPP SPIRE)

Societal Challenges addressed

  • Personalizing health care
  • Smart cities and communities
  • Low-carbon energy
  • Waste as a resource
  • Water innovation

Event website:


European Hydrogen Energy Conference

March 12-14, 2014, in Seville (Spain)

The European Hydrogen Energy Conference 2014 will take place in Seville (Spain) from March 12th to 14th, 2014, organized by the Spanish Hydrogen Association (AeH2), under the auspices of the European Hydrogen Association (EHA).

To ensure the success of the conference, EHEC 2014 will consist of guest plenary sessions and topical technical sessions, as follows:

  • Hydrogen production: Reforming
  • Hydrogen production: Others
  • Hydrogen storage
  • Fuel cell components and stacks, R&D
  • Hydrogen and Fuel cell systems and applications
  • Control and power conditioning
  • Hydrogen distribution and filling stations
  • Markets strategies
  • Companies and commercialization
  • Codes and standards
  • Safety and environmental issues
  • Countries strategies and associations
  • Other related topics of interest

Participants who would like to make an oral or poster presentation are requested to submit an abstract (deadline: September 30, 2013).
For more information on the conference, please visit the website at

6th International Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Security

March 12-14, 2013, in Marseille (France)

The Call for Papers for the 6th International Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Security (ISTSS 2014), to be held in Marseille (France) on March 12-14, 2014, is open.

This event will bring together expertise in the field of safety and security for 3 days of presentations and exhibits. The previous symposium in New York in March 2012 was a great success with more than 280 delegates.

If you are interested in taking part in ISTSS 2014, you are welcome to submit a manuscript or poster for presentation. Manuscripts and posters will be reviewed on the basis of an extended abstract of not more than two pages.

Manuscript abstracts should be submitted to the Secretariat by email ( by 31st May 2013, poster abstracts by the 30th August 2013.

For more information see Call for Papers or visit the Symposium website where you can find Author instructions:


6th International Conference on safety & Environment in Process & Power Industry

April 13-16, 2013, 2014, in Bologna (Italy)

The 6th International Conference on Safety & Environment in Process & Power Industry will be held on April 13-16, 2014, in Bologna, Italy.

The Conference is promoted and organized by AIDIC, The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering.

Details on the Conference and the call for papers may be found at:

To submit abstract, please use the following link (deadline: July 20, 2013):

The full set of accepted papers of CISAP6 Conference (in the form of short papers of 6 pages), will be published in hard copy into „Chemical Engineering Transactions“
The quality of this publication is valued by ISBN & ISSN numbers, reference by SCOPUS and THOMSON REUTERS citation indexes (ISI Web of Knowledge, conference proceedings).

For any further information or assistance you may contact this secretariat

EuroFire conference 2013

Konference Eurofire jsou nástupcem European Fire Safety Engineering Conference, které se konají v Evropských zemích vždy každé dva roky.


Datum konání: 9.10.2013 – 10.10.2013

Místo konání: Basilej, Švýcarsko


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