EU-VRi 10th General Assembly
of All Members including ETPIS Members
to be held on
April 11, 2014, 9:00 – 13:00
at DEMOKRITOS, National Center of Scientific Research
Agia Paraskevi Attikis
As ETPIS individual member, we invite you to attend this important event.
The meeting, this General Assembly, is a formal meeting held every year to report in front of the EU-VRi members including ETPIS members about the activities of the previous year and the plans for the future.
You will see in the draft agenda of the General Assembly, that EU-VRi invites all members to sign the „Letter of Commitment: Towards better governance in a risk-aware society“ which is a contribution to the policy paper prepared by President Barroso’s Science and Technology Advisory Council, that you can find at:
This letter of commitment summarizes the common vision of EU-VRi and ETPIS members for an enhanced integrated risk management in the context of Horizon 2020 using the results of iNTeg-Risk project.
This is a draft agenda and you are invited to send your comments and suggestions by March 14, 2014.
After this date a new consolidated version will be circulated, and all CEOs and Directors of EU-VRi will be invited to sign it in Athens.
After this date a new consolidated version will be circulated, and all CEOs and Directors of EU-VRi will be invited to sign it in Athens, as well as other Senior Executives committed in ETPIS.
In order to organize the event, you are invited to register by March 14, 2014, too, and mention if the CEO, Director, Executive or Senior Manager of your organization would like to join or not. Please use the following link:
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Athens.
Kind regards
On behalf of Olivier Salvi, ETPIS Secretary General
Your EU-VRi & ETPIS Secretariat