Dear ETPIS members,


In this newsletter you will find information related to safety issues and on the up-coming events and activities for the next months:

Information from ETPIS:

SAF€RA – Memorandum of Common Understanding

CZ-TPIS & ETPIS – Future Safety and Security Research in the EU
(on October 24-25, 2013, in Prague – SAVE THE DATE)

New consultations:

Consultation to prepare Horizon 2020

Health and safety at work: Commission opens public consultation on future EU policy framework

Up-Coming Events:

22nd SRA-Europe annual conference

EuroNanoForum 2013

2nd Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing

European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative EIBI Conference 2013

The 4th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (RACR2013)

NanoValid Training Workshop on Advanced Characterization of Nanomaterials

Conference: Nuclear Long Term Operations & Ageing Management Europe

CPEXPO 2013 International Conference and Exhibition

6th International Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Security

6th International Conference on safety & Environment in Process & Power Industry


If you have any idea of event which could be relevant for ETPIS members, please inform us ( by using the template available here.


Best regards

Your ETPIS Secretariat



Information from ETPIS

SAF€RA – Memorandum of Common Understanding

The first steps of the SAF€RA project were to agree on the priorities for future joint activities and to develop a joint strategy. Complementarities, gaps and new opportunities in research were examined and summarized in a report upon which the discussions on the priorities were based. A consultation process was initiated among the partners and the Advisory Panel of SAF€RA and broadened to include the national networks, the Commission, and the social partners, aiming to define the future direction for SAF€RA. The outcome of the consultation process is the present document, the Memorandum of Common Understanding, including the SAF€RA Strategy for the two remaining years of the project, and beyond. The document is an expression of intent of the SAF€RA Consortium Members and is not legally binding.




CZ-TPIS & ETPIS – Future Safety and Security Research in the EU

October 24-25, 2013, in Prague (Czech Republic)

A series of Workshops will be jointly organized by ETPIS and CZ-TPIS (the Czech Platform on Industrial Safety) in Prague.

Several workshops will take place in parallel on October 24-25, 2013:

Collaborative tools for risk assessment

Brokerage event for SAF€RA call for project

Safety and Standardization


Further information will be released soon.



New consultations

ETPIS Consultation to prepare Horizon 2020
Period of consultation: From 17.04.2013 to 17.06.2013

Objective of the consultation:

ETPIS has started the preparation of its contribution to Horizon 2020 by launching the SafeFuture initiative described below on this web page.
SafeFuture is aimed at structuring and coordinating the research investment on safety and security to support the sustainability objectives of the EU2020 Strategy in the context of intensive innovation. The ambition is to implement the initiative on a PPP model, since safety is beneficial for both public and private sectors.
So far, the concept and the outline of the initiative have been defined. Now it is time to define more precisely the scientific and technological challenges that need to be addressed.

Thus, as member or stakeholder of ETPIS, you are invited to suggest topics for Horizon 2020. The proposed topics should be in line with the SafeFuture initiative.
The consultation period has been prolonged until June 17th, 2013.
The first results of the consultation (35 topics proposed) have been communicated at the last ETPIS General Assembly on May 23th, in Stuttgart.

Further information at the following link:


Health and safety at work: Commission opens public consultation on future EU policy framework

Period of consultation: From 31.05.2013 to 26.08.2013

Objective of the consultation:

The European Commission has launched a public consultation to gather insights and contributions from the public further to results of the evaluation of the European Strategy on Safety and Health at Work 2007-2012. This should help identify current and future challenges in the occupational safety and health area, and identify solutions to address these challenges. All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation, which will be open from 31 May 2013 to 26 August 2013. Contributions are particularly sought from representatives of Member States‘ public authorities, organisations representing employees and employers, and stakeholders and experts with an interest in the area of occupational safety and health.

Further information at the following link:

Public consultation on the new EU occupational safety and health policy framework
Evaluation of the European strategy on Safety and Health at Work 2007-2012



Up-Coming Events

22nd SRA-Europe annual conference
On June 16-17, 2013, in Trondheim (Norway)

The special theme of the conference is «Safe societies – coping with complexity and major risk», concerning challenges related to our society’s vulnerability to major risk of natural and industrial disasters, malicious attacks, financial breakdowns, and epidemic diseases.

The conference endeavors to facilitate cross-disciplinary research and collaboration across actors in the risk field to create safer societies by strengthening our ability to govern major risks and ensuring balanced development in a complex and uncertain world.

The conference is open to all interested researchers and experts in the various fields of risk analysis. Industry representatives are also encouraged to participate.

Further information available at the following web address:



EuroNanoForum 2013

June 18-20, 2013, in Dublin (Ireland)

EuroNanoForum 2013 focuses on the commercialisation of nanotechnologies, exploiting its potential for new applications and taking them further from enabling technologies to end products. It will also introduce the industry to new innovations for growth opportunities.

With Horizon2020 beginning in 2014, the conference will also show how nanotechnologies fit into the new structure within Europe’s key priority areas of excellent science, industrial leadership and tackling societal challenges.

Registration link:



2nd Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing
June 26-29, 2013, in Lisbon (Portugal)

The Conference aims to provide a major international forum for academics, researchers and industrial partners to exchange ideas in the field of sustainable intelligent manufacturing and related topics. The conference expects to foster networking and collaboration among participants to advance the knowledge and identify major trends in the field.

If you need any further information, please visit the Conference website at for detailed information.



European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative EIBI Conference 2013
June 26, 2013, in Brussels (Belgium)

The second European Industrial Bioenergy (EIBI) Conference will take place at Van Maerlant Conference Room (VM1), Committee of the Regions, Rue Van Maerlant 2, Brussels on 26th June 2013.

The event is  part of European Sustainable Energy Week and registration is available via the EUSEW website.
This second edition of the EIBI Conference will build on the themes of last year – sustainability and investment – while also focusing on current issues relevant to deployment of advanced bioenergy technology. Firstly, the event will explore the question of sustainability of bioenergy production via innovative EIBI value-chains. Secondly, it will examine how bioenergy can bring socio-economic benefits especially in rural areas. EIBI 2013 will also address the difficulties that companies are facing in raising finance for first-of-a-kind advanced biofuel plants, and will make a presentation on innovative financial instruments to cope with these high-risk projects in Horizon 2020.

A full agenda will be added shortly to the EBTP website at:



The 4th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (RACR2013)

August 27-29, 2013, in Istanbul (Turkey)

In a changing world, more risks will appear and the future is more uncertainty. RACR provides a unique international forum to discuss these issues from a scientific and technical point of view and also in terms of management, services or usages.

RACR, launched by the Risk Analysis Council of China Association for Disaster Prevention in 2007 and taken over by SRA-China since 2011, is a series of biennial international conferences on risk analysis, crisis response, and disaster prevention for specialists and stakeholders. RACR 2013 in Istanbul will be the fourth conference in these series, following the successful RACR-2007 in Shanghai (China), RACR-2009 in Beijing (China) and RACR-2011 in Laredo (USA).

The theme of RACR 2013 is intelligent systems and decision making for risk analysis and crisis response.
More information on the event website:



NanoValid Training Workshop on Advanced Characterization of Nanomaterials

September 16-20, 2013, in Zaragoza (Spain)

In the framework of the EU Project NanoValid (FP7), the University of Zaragoza and the Institute of Nanoscience of Aragon are organizing a Training Workshop in Advanced Characterization of Nanomaterials, on September 16-20, 2013.
The workshop presents an introduction to Advanced Characterization Techniques of Nanomaterials, illustrating the necessary steps for the selection and application of different techniques for analyzing nano structured materials of diverse nature. Practical lectures with real devices are envisaged, including advanced microscopy methods and spectroscopic techniques as well as other related procedures in Nanotechnology. The goal of the course is to give an introduction to the analysis methods currently in use in Materials Science, Engineering and Nanotechnology.

The workshop is dedicated to participants interested in nanotechnology and materials science:

Pre-doctoral and post-doctoral researchers dealing with materials in the nanoscale.

Technicians interested in general technical background which require a specific training in instrumental analysis.

Students of master courses in materials sciences, chemical engineering or similar courses


Open poster and oral sessions are also foreseen.
More information and registration in the following links:



Conference: Nuclear Long Term Operations & Ageing Management Europe 

September 24-25, 2013, in Brussels (Belgium)

Nuclear Energy Insider“ organizes a conference on „Nuclear Long Term Operations & Ageing Management Europe: Ensure safe long term operation and improved performance by executing definitive ageing management strategies“ that will take place on September 24-25, 2013, in Brussels.

As the majority of European NPPs approach the end of their original design life and costs for new reactors rise dramatically, investment in the long term operation (LTO) of existing fleets is more essential than ever. With life after 40 costing over €30bn for the French fleet alone (WNA), it is critical to strengthen the European supply chain and share knowledge, best practice and innovation.

Review lessons learnt from recent LTO and PLEX programmes to achieve a swift and cost efficient delivery on your projects

Evaluate post-Fukushima costs for operators to understand how this has increased the size of the LTO market

Discover the latest innovations in addressing physical ageing and obsolescence to improve plant performance and ensure operation past original design life

Hear updates from a panel of key European regulatory bodies to understand their expectations for life after 40

Profit from expert knowledge on I&C analogue to digital upgrades, fatigue analysis and concrete degradation, enabling you to construct a comprehensive ageing management programme


Further information (agenda, registration…) is available at the following link: .



CPEXPO 2013 International Conference and Exhibition

October 29, 2013, in Genoa (Italy)

CPEXPO 2013 will be hosted in the prestigious Genoa Fair, Hall B, designed by Atelier Jean Nouvel. CPEXPO 2013 will feature high-value plenary conferences, thematic workshops, live and integrated demonstration and research areas, and an advanced technology exhibition. The primary objective for CPEXPO is to create the most compelling conference program possible.



June 20, 2013: Submission of Papers, Workshops and Demo for evaluation

July 15, 2013: Notification of acceptance/not-acceptance



Prospective authors are invited to submit their proposals by downloading relevant PDFs, filling them in and sending them according to the rules in the forms themselves:

Submissions must be sent by June 20th, 2013 and must be in either MS doc or pdf formats. All reasonable typesetting formats are acceptable (later, the authors of accepted papers will be asked to follow a particular typesetting format to prepare their final papers for publication.)

CPEXPO International Scientific Committee will evaluate each received proposal according to the CPEXPO Terms of Reference. Papers submitted and accepted in response to this announcement will be published in the Final Edition of the proceedings which will go to press soon after the conference.



Inquiries should be sent to:

We inform you that ETPIS representatives will attend this event.



6th International Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Security

March 12-14, 2013, in Marseille (France)

The Call for Papers for the 6th International Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Security (ISTSS 2014), to be held in Marseille (France) on March 12-14, 2014, is open.

This event will bring together expertise in the field of safety and security for 3 days of presentations and exhibits. The previous symposium in New York in March 2012 was a great success with more than 280 delegates.

If you are interested in taking part in ISTSS 2014, you are welcome to submit a manuscript or poster for presentation. Manuscripts and posters will be reviewed on the basis of an extended abstract of not more than two pages.

Manuscript abstracts should be submitted to the Secretariat by email ( by 31st May 2013, poster abstracts by the 30th August 2013.

For more information see Call for Papers or visit the Symposium website where you can find Author instructions:



6th International Conference on safety & Environment in Process & Power Industry

April 13-16, 2013, 2014, in Bologna (Italy)

The 6th International Conference on Safety & Environment in Process & Power Industry will be held on April 13-16, 2014, in Bologna, Italy.

The Conference is promoted and organized by AIDIC, The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering.

Details on the Conference and the call for papers may be found at:

To submit abstract, please use the following link (deadline: July 20, 2013):

The full set of accepted papers of CISAP6 Conference (in the form of short papers of 6 pages), will be published in hard copy into „Chemical Engineering Transactions“
The quality of this publication is valued by ISBN & ISSN numbers, reference by SCOPUS and THOMSON REUTERS citation indexes (ISI Web of Knowledge, conference proceedings).

For any further information or assistance you may contact this secretariat

Otevřený workshop Analýza a projednávání nehod Jak zaměnit kulturu připisování viny za učení se ze slabých míst?

Chcete dále zvyšovat úroveň bezpečnosti práce ve Vaší společnosti, chcete se dozvědět něco nového a vyměnit si zkušenosti s jinými firmami?

Připravili jsme pro Vás otevřený workshop

Analýza a projednávání nehod. Jak zaměnit kulturu připisování viny za učení se ze slabých míst?

Workshop se bude konat  30. 5. 2013 v Olomouci.   Uzávěrka přihlášek je již 26. 4. 2013.

Workshop není zaměřen na vyšetřování nehod, protože zde firmy používají svou propracovanou metodiku a mají tuto oblast velmi dobře zvládnutou.

Soustředíme se na následující otázky:


  • Jak vzniká nehoda? Co je to pyramida nehod a o čem nám vypovídá?
  • Jaké způsoby lze využít při vizualizaci nehod?
  • Proč a jak sledovat skoronehody?
  • Jak podporovat a motivovat pracovníky k hlášení skoronehod a nebezpečných situací?
  • Jak nehody projednávat s pracovníky tak, aby to mělo skutečný vliv na jejich chování a povědomí o bezpečnosti.
  • Jak co nejlépe formulovat efektivní nápravná opatření?
  • Jak se můžeme učit z nehod?

Workshop je zaměřený tak, aby účastníci mohli dané poznatky rychle a snadno převést do praxe. Využíváme více jak 25 let zkušeností, které jsme získali během své práce jak v Německu, tak i v dalších zemích. Počet účastníků je omezen, aby byl zachován interaktivní přístup a možnost praktického procvičení.

Podrobnější informace naleznete na našich www stránkách

V případě zájmu Vás prosíme o vyplnění přihlášky a její zaslání e-mailem na adresu

Pozvánka Analýza a projednávání nehod


Pokud máte jakékoliv dotazy, neváhejte kontaktovat paní Slováčkovou e-mailem nebo telefonicky:

Ivana Slováčková


Kirschstein & Partner
Kompetenz für Angewandte Psychologie

mobil: +420 775 022 032




20205 Hamburg
Wrangelstrasse 101
tel: +49-40-4221190



tel: +48 500 111 355

BTKlastr se stal členem Evropské technologické platformy bezpečnosti průmyslu

Bezpečnostně technologický klastr se v dubnu připojil ke členství v Evropské technologické platformě bezpečnosti průmyslu (European Technology Platform on Industrial Safety) ve snaze podílet se na identifikaci národních zájmů v oblasti průmyslové bezpečnosti a jednotně prosazovat tyto zájmy na evropské úrovni. Cílem členství v ETPIS je propojování průmyslových podniků, univerzit, výzkumných a veřejnosprávních organizací a vytváření mostu mezi vědou, výzkumem a aplikační sférou v oblasti bezpečnosti průmyslu.

Oficiální ustavení evropské platformy se uskutečnilo 30. 6. 2005 v polském Gdaňsku, zároveň byla zveřejněna i třetí verze SRA dokumentu. V současné doně má již ETPIS na pět set členů. Další informace na:

BTKlastr a Opole University of Technology uzavřeli smlouvu o spolupráci

Na základě březnové návštěvy Opole University of Technology (Politechnika Opolska) uzavřel Bezpečnostně technologický klastr s touto polskou univerzitou smlouvu o spolupráci. Memorandum of Understanding zahrnuje spolupráci v oblastech inicializace mezinárodních projektů, přípravu společných vědecko-výzkumných projektů, sdílení informací z oblasti průmyslové bezpečnosti a další formy spolupráce v rámci aktuálních potřeb.

Opole University of Technology (OUTech) je největší technickou vzdělávací institucí v regionu s významným postavením a tradicí. Poskytují vzdělávání především v oblasti technických věd, ale také v oblasti řízení, cestovního ruchu, sportu a rehabilitace. Univerzita se nachází v jihozápadní části Polska a aktuálně vzdělává téměř 12 000 studentů. Spolupráce zahrnuje také zvýšení povědomí o VaV projektech a inovačních aktivitách na obou stranách hranice a propojení požadavků aplikační sféry s akademickým a vědeckovýzkumným prostředím za účelem vytváření podmínek pro zvyšování úrovně a plné využití místních lidských i technických kapacit.

Memorandum of understanding BTKlastr and Opole University